Engineering and Consultant company / Ingeniør- og konsulentfirma


  Services / Ydelser:

     CAD Support for Autodesk Mechanical Desktop and Autodesk Inventor
of CAD systems, primarily Inventor og Mechanical Desktop
     Automisation of calculations, drawing and customization of Inventor og Mechanical Desktop ( and AutoCAD )

     CAD Support for Autodesk Mechanical Desktop og Autodesk Inventor
     Beregning og Dimensionering
     Programmering af CAD-systemer, primært Inventor og Mechanical Desktop
     Automatiséring af beregning, tegning, samt specialtilpasning af Inventor og Mechanical Desktop ( og AutoCAD )


All products below supports Inventorversion 10 and newer.


Multiple options dependent of customers wishes:

Saves automaticly a copy of Inventorsupported fileformats and print.

Most users ask’s for DWG/DXF/DWF 2D-export, DXF-flatpattern, Printing and PDF-Creation. Many options possible, but the above picture show’s a typical version..


Very fast Pack and Go routine, alternative to Autodesk ownPack and Go”, works with very large assemblies where the standard lasts for hours. Will only extract raw inventorfiles ( IPT / IAM / IDW / IPN )



Open IDW’s related to selection in Inventor, IDW’s must be placed at the same folderlocation and have the same filename as the selection. Ask to create new if none exists. Honors project and Inventor defined template locations.


A quick way  ( hot key CTRL-D ) of toggling the Diameter symbol ( ø ) on/off on dimensions

”Print IDW”

Prints all IDW’s related to an assembly ( that is: parts and subassemblies related IDW). IDW’s must have the same filename as the parts/assemblies. Need ”Autodesk Inventor View” to be installed ( free download from Autodesk at: ).

Manuel fileselection and preview of IDW’s is possible too.

The program do not need Inventor to be installed.

Can be customized to accept massprinting of DWF’s too with preview. PDF preview and printing can also bee added if needed. The program only handles ”pdfFactory” at present for PDF-creation. Other wishes may be specified.

All versions handles autorotation, print/plots fitted and/or 1:1. Supports plotting to OCE ( multiroll ) and HP plotters



This is an Inventor AddIn

Works in ”sharedenvironment at present, Vault support is in progress. Automaticly check’s in ipt/iam/idw/ipn for the current user.



These type of add-in’s is highly customerdefined, but many options have been made:

Autonumbering with references to excel-sheets, textfiles, databases and Concorde C5. More options possible.

Many other customized AddIn’s have been made, but these are typicaly customer defined.


Other programs:

Massconvertion/handling of AutoCAD and Inventor files. A closer description of this will be comming soon.

Highly specialized analyzing tools to administer and ensure consistent filecreation. Finds various problems in Inventor-files and their relations. Missing references ( all kinds, not just Inventor filereferences ), left checkouts, doublets and much more.

Replace Titleblocks

Database servers/klients/printservers

Productconfigurators/variant construction


And much much more.

Contact LARONI for further information as these programs is only delivered according to specific wishes. Be aware that some programs do not support Autodesk Vault directly.


My old BatchConverter program still exists, but is under rebuild, as a project oriented workflow is more convenient than folder handling.

It still works though.